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Ordinance 1: Ordinance Adoption Procedures

Ordinance 2: Planning & Zoning: Part 1 (Superseded by Ordinance 17)

Planning & Zoning: Part 2 (Superseded by Ordinance 17)

Ordinance 3: Liability of County Jail Prisoners

Ordinance 4: Destruction of Noxious Weeds & Brush in Public Road Right-of-Way

Ordinance 5: Establishing Area Service System B Road Classification

Ordinance 6: Nonpublic Water Well Rules

Ordinance 7: Well Abandonment Standards

Ordinance 8: On-Site Waste Water Disposal Rules

Ordinance 9: Partial Property Tax Exemption for Cattle Facilities

Ordinance 10: Policy for the Separation of Yard Wastes From Other Garbage

Ordinance 11: Storing, Handling & Transportation of Hazardous Materials

Ordinance 12: Uniform Rural Address System

Ordinance 13: Local Option Sales & Services Tax for Incorporated Areas

Ordinance 14: Local Option Sales & Services Tax for Mitchell County

Ordinance 15: Clearance of Snow or Ice on Secondary Roads

Ordinance 16: Adopt All Existing Ordinances

Ordinance 17: Zoning Ordinance for the unincorporated portion of Mitchell County, Iowa

Ordinance 17a: Amended CN-Conservation District

Ordinance 17b: 28E Agreement

Ordinance 17c: Administration

Ordinance 17d: District Regulations

Ordinance 17e: Flood Plan Regulations

Ordinance 17f: General Provisions & Definitions

Ordinance 17g: Land Subdivision Regulations

Ordinance 17h: Land Use Objectives

Ordinance 17i: Noncomformities

Ordinance 18: Local Option Sales & Services Tax

Ordinance 19: Prohibiting the Possession, Use or Sale of Drug Paraphernalia

Ordinance 20: Assessment of Wind Energy Conversion Property

Ordinance 21: Establishing Voting Districts

Ordinance 21B: Amended Ordinance Establishing Voting Districts

Ordinance 22: Prohibiting Assault, Harassment & Stalking

Ordinance 23: Prohibiting Theft & Fraudulent Practices

Ordinance 24: Regulating Hunting, Fishing and Trapping

Ordinance 25: Regulating Motor Vehicles: Part 1

Regulating Motor Vehicles: Part 3

Ordinance 26: Operating While Intoxicated

Ordinance 27: Prohibiting Noxious Weeds

Ordinance 28: Establishing a School Local Option Sales & Services Tax

Ordinance 29: Prohibiting Littering

Ordinance 30: Amendment to Mitchell County Zoning Ordinance

Ordinance 31: Re-adopting Existing Ordinances

Ordinance 32: Dog Control Ordinance of Mitchell County

Ordinance 33: Economic Development Property Taxes Levied

Ordinance 34: Amending Mitchell County Orindance No. 17.1.30

Ordinance 35 (Repealed): Mitchell County Road Preservation

Ordinance 36: Mitchell County Road Preservation Act

Ordinance 37: Amending Mitchell County Ordinance No. 36

Ordinance 38: UR-2 Economic Development Property Taxes Levied

Ordinance 39: Establishing Rates & Charges for the Use & Service of Carpenter Sanitary Sewer System

Ordinance 40: Regulating the Use of Public Sewer, Etc.

Ordinance 41 (Repealed): Mitchell County Road Protection

Ordinance 42: Mitchell County Junk Vehicle Ordinance

Ordinance 43: Mitchell County Social Host Ordinance

Ordinance 44: Mitchell County Road Protection Ordinance

Ordinance 45: Establishing Voting Districts

Ordinance 46: Taxes Levied on Taxable Property in the 2012 Addition of Urban Renewal

Ordinance 46A: Mitchell County Steel or Metal Wheel Ordinance

Ordinance 46B: Re-Adopting the Existing Ordinances

Ordinance 47: Property Taxes Levied on Taxable Property in 2013-1 Addition of Urban Renewal

Ordinance 48: Establish the Policy of Snow or Ice for Secondary Roads

Ordinance 49: Taxes Levied on Taxable Property in 2014 Addition of Urban Renewal

Ordinance 50: Re-Adopting the Existing Ordinances

Ordinance 51: Establishing Voting Districts

Ordinance 52: Taxes Levied on Taxable Property in the 2020 Addition of Urban Renewal

Ordinance 53: Re-Adopting the Existing Ordinances

Ordinance 54: Ordinance amending Mitchell County Ordinance No. 39

Ordinance 55: Establishing Precinct Boundaries

Ordinance 56: Amending Election Precinct Boundaries

Ordinance 57: Amending Ordinance 39 Carpenter Wastewater Fees

Ordinance 58: Sale of wetland mitigation credits to both public and private entities

Ordinance 59: Ordinance amending Mitchell County Ordinance No. 54

Ordinance 89: Establishing Partial Property Tax Exemption for Industrial Property

Ordinance 90: Land Subdivision Regulations