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Image of landscape scene in Mitchell County, Iowa by David Vote

County Recorder

Mitchell County Recorder: Hannah Elliott
(641) 832-3941 ext. 107EMAIL

Monica Sigler (641) 832-3941 ext. 108EMAIL

The Recorder’s Office was created in 1839 by the First Legislative Assembly. The Recorder continues to maintain official records of documents affecting title to real estate. Every real estate transaction that takes place begins in the Recorder’s Office. One of the major duties of the office is the management of public records. As a result, accuracy and preservation of records are a must in the Recorder’s Office. Instruments that are recorded are not only important for today, but serve as a historical library for all of the tomorrows.

In addition to real estate transactions, the Recorder’s Office issues titles and liens; records veterans discharge papers; takes passport pictures; accepts marriage applications and issues the subsequent license; issues certified copies of birth, death and marriage records as well as other numerous duties.

  • Birth Records from 1880
  • Death Records from 1880
  • Marriage Records from 1855
  • Land Records from 1854 — beginning of the county

Additional Resources – source for information about recorded real estate documents in Iowa.

“Please be aware of a letter going around our state claiming to be from “County Deed Records”. This letter is not related to our County Recorder’s office or other government entities in any way. To see a sample of this letter and to learn more, go to”