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Notice of Public Sale

Notice is hereby given that the Mitchell County Board of Supervisors will at its regular meeting consider the sale of the following described property, to-wit:

Legal Description: The East 131 feet of the North 10 rods of the South 34.48 rods in the East Half (E) of the Southeast Fourth (SE3) of the Southwest Quarter (SW3) of Section 20, Township 98, Range 15 West of the 5th P.M., Mitchell County, Iowa

Property Address: 2969 360th Street, Osage, IA 50461

to St. Peter’s Cemetery Association for $4,300.00.

The public hearing will be held at the Mitchell County Board of Supervisors meeting room, Mitchell County Courthouse, lower level, 212 S. 5th Street, Osage, IA 50461 at 9:00 AM. on November 19, 2024. At such hearing, you have the right to appear, to object to, and to be heard concerning the sale.  The failure to appear and be heard will result in a forfeiture of any claim.

Rachel Foster, Mitchell County Auditor